#poll - Do you even  a i m ?

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7b_wizard -

#poll - Do you even  a i m ?

  1. yes .. at highest points or areas (of the trajectories).
  2. yes .. where I want prop to land.
  3. yes .. depending on what's in the air, like throw through the 'tunnel' or to avoid a collision or 'along' the other flying props.
  4. yes .. any of above (unrestricted).
  5. yes .. but  o n l y  when learning sth (any point #1-3) new.
  6. not sure .. maybe subconscious or automated.
  7. not that I know.
  8. other / I'm over that / never thought of "aiming" / .. / wrong question / doesn't apply / ..

thk 4 voting :o)

This is a competition thread which ran from 16th Jun 2015 to 23rd Jun 2015. View results.

7b_wizard - - Parent

[oops .. din' seem to work & din' get option runtime (1 week)]

7b_wizard - - Parent

[ wrong format .. didn't get options when checking "set as competition" .. @ Orinoco: Please delete, thk! (did saved html for evtl retry later) ]

7b_wizard - - Parent

(@ Orinoco) okey .. don't delete then .. everything okey .. it has become a votable thread in own dynamics lol

Orinoco - - Parent

Too late, converted to poll :P & missing poll options fixed after breaking after fixing something else last week...

7b_wizard - - Parent

Wow! Thank you soo much  a n d  plenty of it! :o) .. [thought it was my oldversion + unupdated browser] .. I get the options now.

Little Paul - - Parent

8: I usually find it most helpful to aim for the crossing point

7b_wizard - - Parent

Good point! .. forgot that one.

peterbone - - Parent

I'd put 2 or 6/7. The problem with aiming only relative to other objects in the air (eg crossing point) is that the point you're aiming for changes with error in previous throws, leading to error accumulation and eventual breakdown of the pattern.

7b_wizard - - Parent

yeh .. the pattern handles you drifting & pulling, instead vice versa ..

7b_wizard - - Parent

thats why I myself am rather #1 - aim highest point or area. (thk 4 voting this post lol)

seveirein - - Parent

Umm, my passing partner's face?

7b_wizard - - Parent

Definitely vote #2 then.

7b_wizard - - Parent

last day for this poll - anyone not voted yet? :o]

Marvin - - Parent

This poll has now ended. The results are:

  1.   yes .. at highest points or areas (of the trajectories). (2 votes)
  2.   yes .. where I want prop to land. (1 vote)
  3.   yes .. depending on what's in the air, like throw through the 'tunnel' or to avoid a collision or 'along' the other flying props. (1 vote)
  4.   yes .. any of above (unrestricted). (2 votes)
  5.   yes .. but  o n l y  when learning sth (any point #1-3) new. (0 votes)
  6.   not sure .. maybe subconscious or automated. (1 vote)
  7.   not that I know. (0 votes)
  8.   other / I'm over that / never thought of "aiming" / .. / wrong question / doesn't apply / .. (2 votes)

Chris - - Parent

Options 3 and 8 spill over onto 2 lines, as does the bar. It gives the impression that they are twice as populated as they are.

7b_wizard - - Parent

That's 'cos I made these's option's texts so long.
It counts, how far the results reach to the right.

I was mainly interested in if there's jugglers not aware of any aiming at all. But also how many do aiming how.
I take: 6 voters consciously do aim - but 3 voters seem to not have to bother with or aiming (or the question) doesn't apply for them. Also, jugglers, who do aim do it in different ways. Votes in 4 or 8 ("other") might comprise aiming on crossing points of a pattern (as I forgot to list that option).

thk all 4 voting! Thanks, Marvin for results!

Chris - - Parent

My previous comment was mostly FAO our benign overlord

Orinoco - - Parent

Well spotted, bars now limited to one line.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Maybe this conclusion: aiming is not trivial or obvious.
I do find this result remarkable .. well spread between "yes, like this or that", and (maybe) "not at all", whereas one might think, aiming is trivial or obvious and everyone does it like oneself and or in the same way ..
but it seems to be quite a topic to take into account talking and comparing about in given contexts ..

Little Paul - - Parent

Maybe this conclusion

My conclusion is that 9 responses on a survey with 8 possible answers isn't a large enough sample size to draw any meaningful conclusions from

7b_wizard - - Parent

.. thinking of e.g. 56 in a sequence, collision-bound sequences in general, it is - when e.g. teaching or learning - helpful to know, that others might aim or throw in a different way .. thus how to avoid the 6 to hit the 5 would be a question of throwing either more from the middle, but also makng sure, you know where you're throwing (at), .. is sort of what i meant.

RegularJugular - - Parent

Thanks for making me think about this: It helped me. I found that like LP I typically look at the crossing point, apart from the first throw.

The first throw I look where I want it to go and then all the rest are then aimed by crossing point. Although this gets a bit weird for fountain throws but essentially still applies.

Thx :)


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