Chinese depictions of toss-jugglers - among oldest ever?

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7b_wizard -

Chinese depictions of toss-jugglers - among oldest ever?

If I followed the right informations and clickpaths, it's stone carvings dating from Han-dynasty 206 b.c. - 220 a.d.

See also:


The Void - - Parent

Those links don't resolve for me. If your dates are correct, they are long preceeded by the pictures in some Egyptian tombs. I'm sure googling "oldest recorded juggling" or something similar will find them.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Same with me. I'm not sure. It's what I found trying to find out.

These egyptian pics might be oldest, but it would be enriching to have my linked pics dated and they were very old aswell.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

I don't know much about Chinese acrobatic theatre, but I like that even at this picture (just like at the egyptian) acrobatics and juggling are depicted together.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Found more of it: on Also from Han dynasty and looks pretty similar.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Here's another stonecarved figure from Han-Dynasty: [found on with "nóngwàn" linking to this short report on the opening of the exposition]
What I mainly got from machine traduction is, they're exposed at the Peking Museum.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Trying to refind these now deadlinks above, found the following on wikimedia commons' Shandong Museum media, Han Dynasty [ roughly ~300 BC ] Tomb Section: - [center] toss-juggler, most likely, ( 5b? 6,7b passing? ), - [middle, righthandside] artist with ball. one ball juggler? contact juggler? ( fireworks granade? ..? ),

hadn't formerly found the two latter ones, - [below, right] 9b juggler apparently, - [middle, left] toss-juggler 9b? 10, 11, 12b, using feet too?

counterexample?: - here in the lower part seem to be also 'balls', but that are rather not balls ( no juggler, no seals, .. ),

more "not-ball balls without juggler" -


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