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loganstafman -

Hi all! Discussing siteswaps on a forum like this can be difficult when you have to run off and see what a siteswap looks like. So I created a bot for /r/juggling on reddit a while ago which makes gifs out of siteswaps. Of course, this was tooled for reddit, but now I've updated it to make it work here. If you want a gif of a siteswap, simply create a link to siteswapbot.com/[your_siteswap_here]. So you can do https://siteswapbot.com/97531 or https://siteswapbot.com/(6x,4)*. It's new so working out the kinks, but feel free to check it out and let me know if there are any glaring issues.

Note that if you request a siteswap that nobody has ever requested before, it will take a few seconds to render the gif the first time you visit the page, but after that first visit, it will be pretty much immediate for every other visitor.

Little Paul - - Parent

"Resource id #4Curl error: malformedProblem uploading to imgur...sorry"

Sounds like I hit a kink

loganstafman - - Parent

Lol sorry I just was messing around. It's fixed now.

loganstafman - - Parent

I hope :)

7b_wizard - - Parent


7b_wizard - - Parent

https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/juggle/images/5/55/97531_200.gif/revision/latest?cb=20120911170450 https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/juggle/images/f/ff/6x4_200.gif/revision/latest?cb=20120916191521(Image sources from there: https://juggle.wikia.com/wiki/97531 and https://juggle.wikia.com/wiki/%286x,4%29*) View with settings option "embed images" checked when logged in and java enabled in the browser.


See also "JL" bookmarklet under "Run it in a browser" on: https://jugglinglab.sourceforge.net/ Mark a siteswap in text (digits) format in your browser (that browser feature "mark text" should then be enabled in the browser settings). Then, with text-siteswap marked, click the bookmarklet in your favorites \linkbar. Stickman will then show up.

Orinoco - - Parent

It's not that hard on forums like this because you have the option to highlight siteswaps which turns them into links to JugglingLab :P

...however, I know a lot of people don't use java any more, so this could be a useful fallback option.

I assume you have a table of pre-rendered siteswaps which you add to as new requests come in? How long has your bot been active on Reddit & how many unique siteswaps have been posted?

loganstafman - - Parent

Yes, I made this because Chrome no longer supports Java so that's pretty much dead (also I didn't know about that feature, haha!). As you can probably tell, my bot uses a hacked up version of JugglingLab itself.

Each request simply creates the gif and uploads it to imgur, and I keep a db of ones I've already seen. I've had it on reddit for about 6 months with ~350 images, but in the reddit bot form, I don't have a DB of known images for complicated reasons, so the DB is starting now.

Orinoco - - Parent

I wonder if your list is similar to my list. I think a lot of those were posted by accident though!

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Wow... On that list, I am sure the first 19 (nr 19 happens to be siteswap 19, haha) are all accidental... Just those 19 accidental ones already make up over 50% of all linked siteswaps... Perhaps that system needs a fix? Especially since a lot of users are not even using Java anyway...

Orinoco - - Parent

Even before looking at java support most users (a fraction under 80%) don't enable siteswap highlighting so I don't think it is an issue. Certainly not worth the NLP required to fix it!

Daniel Simu - - Parent

I should have known there was a setting >.< (@7bwiz, that is a smiley, not some kind of linguistic code.)
Turned it off now!

7b_wizard - - Parent

(( @ Daniel .. yeowh thx! .. I indeed thought it the chinese signs for "The dragon takes one step back as the elephant drops back-down on the keyboard". ))

loganstafman - - Parent

Hmm, my list isn't available like that because of silly reasons, but if you're interested, I think this is the album they're being posted to on imgur.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Yeah, my java plugin is never ever up to date, so it never ever loads the edge siteswaps... I care too little..

Brook Roberts - - Parent

Is it wrong that I treated this as a sort of siteswap bingo, and tried to find the simplest ones not yet generated?
I'm guessing it's not seen super heavy use, as first I got 663, and then to mild amusement, 2, which took a pleasing long time first time round to generate a static image :)

Little Paul - - Parent

The siteswap I was prodding at when I got the error messages was '3'

loganstafman - - Parent

It's always going to be pretty easy, because I do nothing to try to determine if two siteswaps are the same, so even if 3 has been generated, 33 probably won't have been.

Little Paul - - Parent

You might want to fix your input validation.

this really shouldn't work

loganstafman - - Parent

Haha thanks for the note!

Little Paul - - Parent

It might be more serious than my example. Think there might be a php injection vuln (based on some of the errors I was able to tickle out of it)

Security is worth taking seriously...

loganstafman - - Parent

Oh yeah it should be fixed now. After you posted that, I actually tested and was able to cause some serious damage with the siteswap (6x,4)*" rm -rf "/ but it's fixed now.

emilyw - - Parent

This is now my favourite siteswap.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

How to throw the -," and /'s ?

The Void - - Parent

- is a Hurry.
, is a Late.
/ is whilst leaning.
" is whilst naming the throw aloud.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

actually I wasn't curious about the ",", the comma served as a separator, like, a comma :p. But thanks anyway!


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