Handedness poll

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7b_wizard -

Handedness poll

  1. I have one strong hand. My other hand is there for symmetry or counterweight only :o)
  2. I have clearly a strong hand for everything, but my weak hand ain't that bad either.
  3. I have clearly a generally stronger hand, but it depends on what I'm cutting, sewing, using tools, opening a bottle or lid, writing, throwing, folding, brushing, hold a cup, turn pages of a book, make a knot, draw a zipper, hold a phone, write sms.   Some things are better with one, some with the other hand. Or also like lefthanders of necessity using righthander's tools.
  4. I am a "specific" bothhander. I couldn't do better with the respective other hand (even with lefthander's tools). I have no generally stronger hand but in case for this or that specific ado.
  5. I am bothhanded. My both hands are equally active doing almost everything alikely well.
  6. other.

@ bothhanders - Do you think being bothhanded gives you an edge [=advantage] at juggling?
@ all - Does juggling maybe favor bothhanders a bit?

This is a competition thread which ran from 6th Feb 2016 to 27th Feb 2016. View results.

7b_wizard - - Parent

= bothhanded \ weakhd'd poll [title]

7b_wizard - - Parent

handedness poll soon closing

The Void - - Parent

About 2.5 for me. I deal cards left-handed, and the ocassional juggling trick, if I think about it, I do the "hard" way.

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

This poll applies most to the 6 ball asynchronous fountain, also 5b and 7b cascade.

When I started 6b my LH throws were lower and faster than my RH, but after practicing the patter for some time the hands feel the exact same. Working on symmetry has helped, but it's still a problem. My right wrist flexes 40° and my left wrist flexes 10° (watch at 60fps). I get more ball speed and less accuracy from my RH. My LH has a shorter dwell time.

James Hennigan - - Parent

My right hand was naturally better when I started, but I've always made sure to learn tricks on both sides, so now my hands are equal when it comes to juggling. The one exception is the halfshower, which I've decided to only learn on the right side.

Mike Moore - - Parent

I'm working on switching handedness in my daily life. My coworker said I was left handed the other day, so progress is being made!

Daniel Simu - - Parent

I used to switch too, for the purpose of practicing (brushing teeth, cutting food). In juggling I do quite fine with my bad hand, but that is the result of a lot of practice, not natural ability. Because of a terrible injury I now also lack a lot of strength in my off hand compared to my good one, so I rate myself option "1".

Marvin - - Parent

This poll has now ended. The results are:

  1.   I have one strong hand. My other hand is there for symmetry or counterweight only :o) (3 votes)
  2.   I have clearly a strong hand for everything, but my weak hand ain't that bad either. (6 votes)
  3.   I have clearly a generally stronger hand, but it depends on what I'm cutting, sewing, using tools, opening a bottle or lid, writing, throwing, folding, brushing, hold a cup, turn pages of a book, make a knot, draw a zipper, hold a phone, write sms.   Some things are better with one, some with the other hand. Or also like lefthanders of necessity using righthander's tools. (6 votes)
  4.   I am a "specific" bothhander. I couldn't do better with the respective other hand (even with lefthander's tools). I have no generally stronger hand but in case for this or that specific ado. (1 vote)
  5.   I am bothhanded. My both hands are equally active doing almost everything alikely well. (0 votes)
  6.   other. (0 votes)

7b_wizard - - Parent

ng'kay, thx 4 voting! Thx Marvin! :o) .. Seems, the poll didn't `fish´ any 100% bothhander. So, looks like most of us get along with stronghand-weakhand juggling, casually monitoring weakhand's being behind some and needing special attention.

Yet, Sergei Ignatov sen.'s statement:
When you activate your weak hand, everything is possible.
stays burnt into my mind and I will casually work on weakhand selves and handle stuff with my weakhand in daily life until I feel it's emancipated some.

I am somewhat surprised, though, cos I'd really expected naturally more bothhanders juggling for reasons of symmetry being an issue.

david - - Parent

I think I throw more accurately with my right hand and catch more reliably with my left hand. It's easier to notice when passing.


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